Today I woke up at 7 am in the morning, I went straight for a shower. As I  was approaching the shower room I saw Nick who looked as if he was half asleep and was also waiting for the shower before me but was kind enough to let me use it first. After having my shower I went down for breakfast and ate a delicious white baked roll and two boiled eggs, I then thought I needed some fruit so I added strawberries to my breakfast and ended up drinking two glasses of orange juice. Finishing up my breakfast I then realised that I was going to be late if I didn’t run up the stairs to the meeting room as soon as possible.

Walking into the meeting room I saw our new director who is a film-maker/journalist. Her name is Diana. She was first explaining our new task and asked if we would like to see her previous work with students. Throughout watching her work I realised that she bases her work around feature and documentary films. We were then put into groups and asked about different ideas that we may want to make a film on. Our ideas include the Berlin Wall, the graffiti around Berlin and the houses and apartments in the city. We then ended up finishing up for lunch, which ended up being delicious finger licking pizza and bread.

We all had different ideas and facts however we came to a decision that we would all come up to final idea together. After discussing our group ideas we ended up calling it a day.

We then had a short break to freshen up for the evening. The evening began at 6:30pm and we ended up in the local sports bar, which was exciting as I got to order myself a fish burger, onion rings and chips.  To top the exquisite meal off I had a coke to drink. The evening then ended with the group coming back to our hostel and watching a German film called ‘The Lives of Others’, as I was not looking forward to it in the beginning but I realised the film outlined a lot of important German history and would help us with our project





Sunday 14th March
Monday 15th March
Tuesday 16th March
Wednesday 17th March
Thursday 18th March
Friday 19th March
Saturday 20th March
Sunday 21st March
Monday 22nd March
Tuesday 23th March
Wednesday 24th March
Thursday 25th March
Friday 26th March