Today I woke up at 8am. My alarm was set to half past 7 but it wasn’t very successful.  I went straight to freshen up. Then I quickly ate my breakfast, which was a bread roll and rushed to the meeting upstairs. There I did some storyline with Tre and Saquib while the rest of the class were told to do something else. After that long-3-hour class, I went for lunch. Lunch was again, bread roll and some Malaysian noodle which was not very delicious.

After lunch, Dianna gave us more ideas for our storyline. Then Sam taught us how to get started with Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 to edit our film. It was quite fun as I was able to pick things up quick. Then I carried on practicing editing our film and we finally finished at 4pm.

For our “me time” I stayed in my room with Jess and had our “girly talks”. After a while, I got hungry and was excited for dinner.  We went down the road to Hellersdorf. I was looking forward to eating a proper meal as I’ve been eating too much junk food. We went around looking for a nice meal but then ended up having burger and chips. After dinner, we had ice-cream while we walked back to Kids and Co, which is where our hostel is.

When we came back to kids and Co and then we decided to watch a horror movie.

Everyday on this trip has been very enjoyable and I’m eager  for what’s coming next.

Sonika x













Sunday 14th March
Monday 15th March
Tuesday 16th March
Wednesday 17th March
Thursday 18th March
Friday 19th March
Saturday 20th March
Sunday 21st March
Monday 22nd March
Tuesday 23th March
Wednesday 24th March
Thursday 25th March
Friday 26th March