Today I woke up at 8:00am, although I would have loved sleeping an extra 10 minutes I had Lorna shouting out ‘come on ladies wake up’ and Stefan shouting ‘you girls never wake up do you?!’. Two minutes later I had the sound of Stefan's phone alarm going off. At this point I knew I had to get out of bed or I’d end up throwing my pillow at him. Breakfast had started at 8:00am as usual but with me being such a sleepyhead I ended up in the kitchen at 8:20am. During breakfast the team was all told our daily plans, which consisted of a meeting at 9am, boat trip at 11am and editing as well as bowling in the evening. I couldn’t help but think how am I going to get through the long day? We ended up leaving the house at 10:15am and went to the local train station. Our Journey to central Berlin was over one hour in addition to taking two trains.

Walking out of the station I couldn’t help but worry if our boat was going to be an open boat, as the weather was not looking very bright when we left the house. Once I arrived at the location I was so glad that it had an open deck boat and we had seats inside. The boat trip had turned out fantastic and a lot better than what I had expected.

Once we all entered the boat we all ended up with smiles on our faces, we could already feel the warmth of the boat and to top that over our seats were right next to the window. The entire boat trip was relaxing and gave me the chance to have an hour to myself and think about the past week, looking back I was so pleased that I had decided to come on this work experience trip and I was so proud of everything I had learnt so far.

The next stop after the boat trip was grabbing a spot of lunch. I found out we were going into Kruezberg and was relieved as this was one of our favourite places to eat. Diana our mentor decided to take us to her favourite burger place, which was an organic vegetarian burger hut. Usually I am not a big fan of vegetarian burgers but my lunch was like no other. During lunch I’ve never laughed so much at Carolina’s jokes! My burger was beyond my wildest expectations and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. To top it off my freshly fried organic chips were just as tasty.

After the incredible lunch half of the group headed back to the Berlin Wall museum to film some footage, the other half made their way back to the hostel and conference room to do some work on our freedom documentary. I headed back to do some research and to help Stefan out with his voice over. Although the voice over and research took over three hours, our work came out perfectly. 

After all the stress and hard work the group were given a two hour break to relax before we headed out for the nights activity – bowling. Bowling started off really fun however when I started losing I got a little annoyed =(, and to top this I had to watch Sam and Sharin doing strikes every few minutes. Bowling was one of the most enjoyable activities we have all done together and I’ve never laughed so hard as a group.

The highlight of my day was the tastiest lunch ever and the bowling. This trip has allowed me to believe that sometimes you have to make choices for yourself and never be afraid of starting something new. I may have come to this trip alone… but I will be leaving with some of the greatest friends I have ever made.

Thank you everyone for the amazing experience!
















Sunday 14th March
Monday 15th March
Tuesday 16th March
Wednesday 17th March
Thursday 18th March
Friday 19th March
Saturday 20th March
Sunday 21st March
Monday 22nd March
Tuesday 23th March
Wednesday 24th March
Thursday 25th March
Friday 26th March