Day started with brunch, well for those of us who were up by 10.30 but it was the weekend so lie-ins are permitted. Brunch wasn’t too bad, at least the stuff was recognisable. Rest of the day spent mostly around the house while the children did various bits of work and whatever else it is young people do!
Ravi cooked dinner and a jolly good job he did too; chicken and rice – nice! Ashley did the dishes!

Went out this evening to the Reichstag (parliament building). The original building was gutted by fire back in the 30's it was then bombed in the war so there was just a shell and after reunification they rebuilt it prior to moving the parliament back to Berlin. It was designed by Norman Foster (they couldn't find a decent German designer!) and it is a lot like the assembly building in London with a glass dome at the top (although obviously the theme is getting a bit tired now and it is probably time, like many things, to move on, so I will). Good views of Berlin though.
After that on to Dunkin' Doughnuts, Hmm-mmm!  (Starbucks was closed) via the Brandenburg Gate and past the hotel where Michael Jackson dangled his little one out the window! No sign of Jacko, or the baby, dang!

After coffee and doughnuts back to the home comforts of Hellersdorf (Hell Town), not too many punks, skin-heads and goths tonight but everyone still had a good stare at us. Still very cold but no snow today. Off out tomorrow, in the daylight, to the Jewish museum and then kebabs for tea at the kebab restaurant! I'll let you know how it goes!



Sunday 9th Nov
Monday 10th Nov
Tuesday 11th Nov
Wednesday 12th Nov
Thursday 13th Nov
Friday 14th Nov
Saturday 15th Nov
Sunday 16th Nov
Monday 17th Nov
Tuesday 18th Nov
Wednesday 19th Nov
Thursday 20th Nov
Friday 21st Nov
Saturday 22nd Nov
Sunday 23rd Nov
Monday 24th Nov
Tuesday 25th Nov
Wednesday 26th Nov
Thursday 27th Nov
Friday 28th Nov