Today was a most extraordinary day, not only were we allowed out of teacher’s sight out of campus, but we did entirely nothing but roam the streets of London... Sorry that was my wishful thinking, what really happened went a bit more like this...

Once upon a time in Naunhof on the 15th of March in the year of our Lord 2009 it was still raining from the previous night, and it was time to get up and ready for breakfast at ten o’clock in the morning. However one particular person (which be myself) was up and raring to go at 7:30, though everybody else found it particularly difficult to get up after an extremely dodgy Chinese meal which was forced upon us by none other than the notorious Doug Lord (a most cynical and unforgiving designer at heart) which he himself struggled to contain. Our team was ready to go by 5 minutes to the hour and we sat down in the mess hall for the rather repetitive selection of cold meats, cheese and cereals breakfast. After this small spot of food the battalion went back to where they had come, since the commanders Nick and Doug had decide that there was no point working where they normally would since the weather conditions were severely adverse, it would only hinder their spirits.

After working for what would appear as months for these people, Doug rose and spoke much encouraging words “Come on guys I’m hungry, it’s been 2 hours and 44 minutes since breakfast, let us ride to lunch.” Most of the young ones went off grumbling at the short intervals between meals; Doug could not wait to get his teeth through a roast meal; which to his dismay was fried potato cakes, apple purée and salad, though he did wish for the leather like meat he had last week. After feasting on such delightful food the group went back again to the hut which they have been living to continue working on assignments handed to them by their superiors.

Around half an hour past 2 o’clock the chefs brought up food for dinner, which we had to cook utilising the elements around us (coal, a barbeque, forks, plates and bowls), but the group was determined to work hard putting off hunger till much later. The group was not alone; they were closely monitored by the two people sent to act as ‘Guardians’ who went through our work with a fine tooth comb, picking up on every minor point, scrutinising everything to ensure nothing, not even a stone, was untouched and in excellent order.

By 8 o’clock in the evening everyone started feeling tired, having worked for hours without break, even the “toughest” of all pebbles Doug was feeling hungry once again. One person in the group had to face the horrors of going out in the black darkness of night, with only the stars and the moon to guide them to start a fire to cook the food. The brave Nick Smith rose to the challenge, setting off 30 minutes later having prepared himself only 5 minutes before setting off on his adventure into the woods; no one actually knew what he had been up to for the other 25 minutes.

After a strenuous 2 minute walk to the back of the hut, Nick started the fire off, using the coal lumps which were lying in an old sack that was found slumped on the ground. Minutes later Nick magically made the coal burst into flames, glowing every shade of orange and yellow; what was especially impressive was that this was done in terrible winds and chilling light shower of rain. Nick went forth and started cooking up the frighteningly enormously long pork sausages, which he delivered himself after cooking for 30 minutes, since there were a large number of these.

The group looking on at the food saw that is was good, and much definitely better than the ones done by Doug a week ago, as so far no one has needed to urgently use the toilets to relieve themselves of the sausages. The group sat immediately setting on the food like starved wolves, devouring the food leaving nothing to waste, except massive bowls of pasta, potato salad, tomatoes, cucumbers and two sausages. When the feast was over everyone went quickly about themselves drinking all the water that they could find, since there was not much left, leaving only the “clean” water in the taps and drainage system from the rain earlier.

The group then parted ways to do what they wanted, whether it be drawing or surfing the net, or even reading the 167 of 574 unread emails. I must apologize that this was not a more detailed or longer story; since I have run out of water, and have passed out typing this to you.

This thus however sadly concludes this evening’s beautiful story. I too like all creatures on this very wonderful planet do like the look of my small bed when the great fire in the sky disappears to reveal the jewels and gems of the heavens. This too is a shame since all day there has been 100 percent cloud coverage.

As we all have our own ways, I too have mine, and as night falls upon me I must bid you all a farewell and a very goodnight.

Sunday 1st March
Monday 2nd March

Tuesday 3rd March
Wednesday 4th March
Thursday 5th March
Friday 6th March
Saturday 7th March
Sunday 8th March
Monday 9th March
Tuesday 10th March
Wednesday 11th March
Thursday 12th March
Friday 13th March
Saturday 14th March
Sunday 15th March
Monday 16th March
Tuesday 17th March
Wednesday 18th March
Thursday 19th March
Friday 20th March