This morning was a good morning; we had to get up for 9 am instead of 4 am!

We also got our first German breakfast. There was a variety of cereals with strawberry, chocolate or normal milk; ham and cheese; yogurts; buns with butter and apricot/strawberry jam.

After this lovely big breakfast we met up with Carmen the house keeper and Maysam, our translator. We were given a brief of what our client wanted from us and we got to ask the questions we needed. We then got a tour of the complex; 4 houses (one is a hotel), 3 playgrounds for children, a camping wash facility, the 3 conference rooms and our work room.

It was then time for lunch… Doug was hungry even though we had breakfast 4 hours before. Lunch was… interesting. A sort of soup with pasta and pork and too salty; Germans seem to like salty food.

After lunch we went on an expedition to find the Lidl supermarket. We found it after a sort of long detour (we didn’t get lost…)! When we got back we got some bikes and went cycling around the lake. We had an interesting ride… very adventurous!

After cycling we got a bit of free time. And then dinner (more food) with ham, cheese, salad and a wonderful stew which was made of tomato sauce, pork and vegetables.

We have now been working on our brainstorm and started to put a bit of work together!

Bye for now

Sunday 1st March
Monday 2nd March

Tuesday 3rd March
Wednesday 4th March
Thursday 5th March
Friday 6th March
Saturday 7th March
Sunday 8th March
Monday 9th March
Tuesday 10th March
Wednesday 11th March
Thursday 12th March
Friday 13th March
Saturday 14th March
Sunday 15th March
Monday 16th March
Tuesday 17th March
Wednesday 18th March
Thursday 19th March
Friday 20th March