After waking up at 7am at the crack of dawn to catch an 8am breakfast and early morning frost, we were dropped off to catch a train towards the city of Leipzig for a day full of adventure. First we met up with our host Carmen, who took us to the EU Institute, where we had a little presentation about what they do and the important European election in June. Next we went to a nice little coffee shop near the station to have a little break and enjoy some lovely hot drinks.

We then ventured around town taking various pictures and filming, before taking a lift up the Panorama Tower to have a beautiful view of the city. After that we went to the museum of culture where we learnt about Germany’s historic past, and saw interesting objects and iconic footage up until modern times. I particularly enjoyed looking at the posters pasted over the walls and the electronic duke box they had. The church was our next destination where we got good footage and images of the architecture of the building.

Next we were free to roam around the city centre to go on a little shopping adventure, to discover more than half the shops are the same ones as in London, but there were some interesting items of clothing in the stores. To finish the busy day we went to a Chinese restaurant where we all enjoyed a good meal at a credit crunch price, followed by some misunderstanding on the train home due to communication failures.

To finish this tiring day, we walked back to our Naunhof home under the stars to get some sleep for another adventure tomorrow.

Bye for now


Sunday 1st March
Monday 2nd March

Tuesday 3rd March
Wednesday 4th March
Thursday 5th March
Friday 6th March
Saturday 7th March
Sunday 8th March
Monday 9th March
Tuesday 10th March
Wednesday 11th March
Thursday 12th March
Friday 13th March
Saturday 14th March
Sunday 15th March
Monday 16th March
Tuesday 17th March
Wednesday 18th March
Thursday 19th March
Friday 20th March